A Review by Emilie Chung, November 2017:

This review of Bonsai Babes is meant to help anyone who is currently considering spiritual counseling. My journey with Lora started in February 2017 by total accident, when I purchased a reading on impulse while shopping in the L.A. arts district. Within fifteen minutes, Lora managed to dig deeper into my relationships and provide more meaningful insight than licensed psychologists, close friends, and family members had. I was blown away! 

Before beginning my journey with spiritual counseling, I hadn't devoted much thought to psychic phenomena. I was neither a believer or nonbeliever, but I was motivated to schedule Skype sessions with Lora after the amazing, supernaturally spot-on guidance she provided during our first session. We began biweekly counseling sessions at the end of May. The several months between now and then (I am writing this in November) have been a whirlwind. My relationships, sense of identity, and feeling of purpose in life have all transformed dramatically. Without a shadow of doubt, this transformation has been for the better.

In addition to counseling, I’ve completed two Bonsai Babes psychic empowerment courses. I enrolled in these courses with no intention of becoming a psychic. Rather, I was interested in developing my intuition. These classes are not about talking to dead people, reading minds, or anything too “out there.” Lora’s focus is on providing students with tools and techniques that are fundamentally empowering. This is what makes Lora a truly gifted teacher. Ultimately, she helps students to rediscover the energetic potential within themselves. She empowers us to become our own best teacher.

If you are someone who wonders questions like, "What is my purpose in this life? How can I live in alignment with my spirit? How can I understand my relationships from a spiritual perspective?" then Lora's uncanny talent at relaying spiritual messages is exactly what you're looking for. However, even if these questions aren't on your mind, and your focus is on daily practical concerns, I would still recommend Lora's spiritual counseling. For example, since first meeting Lora, I've quit smoking cigarettes. This was never a topic we discussed in session, but the spiritual guidance channeled by Lora eased the restlessness which was driving this behavior.   

Overall, the past few months since embarking on spiritual counseling have been one of the most transformative periods of my life. There were many times when undergoing such drastic change was NOT easy—many aspects of my old identity had to collapse before my authentic self could truly emerge. Lora has been a wonderful guide through these dark transformative periods, and although my journey is not complete, I am now in a place where I feel deeply fulfilled by life. Lora's patience, empathy, humor, and sincerity will help any spiritual seeker to uncover their light.