4 Week Course, Meets Online Every Thursday Evening: Thursdays Aug. 31, Sept. 7, Sept. 14, Sept. 21
Part 1: "Hello, Me!: Clearing The Junk To Reveal The REAL You":
- meditation basics/brief chakra and aura overview
- key psychic tool to release foreign energy
- key psychic tool to self-heal, revitalize, and call back your energy to feel like "you" again
- key psychic tool to get "out of your head" and into your intuition
- the art of visualization
- getting in touch with your inner child vibration, dreams, and highest enthusiasm
Part 2: "Hello, Universe!: How To Work With Universal Energy to Heal, Nourish, Create
- how to connect with universal healing energy
- key psychic tool to bring in body healing
- key psychic tool to bring in spirit healing
- using universal energy to clear your body/aura/chakras of other people's energy and demands
- integration of tools from part 1 to customize your self-healing routine